Search Results for: josh patrick

The Top 10 Disciple Making Books for Small Group Ministers/Pastors

The Top 10 Disciple Making Books for Small Group Ministers/Pastors

There are a number of books that are useful in helping small group ministries get intentionally focused on making mature disciples of Jesus. Here are my top 10 books that could be game changers for a small group ministry. And hey, I acknowledge the bias upfront, because I co-wrote some of them (I am winking…

National Disciple Making Forum

Best Practices of Disciple Making Churches 2025 National Disciple Making Forum May 7th & 8th, 2025 • Houston, Texas Disciple making theories practices that *actually* work Join 1,500 church leaders as we come together to learn, grow, and get equipped by the best practices of disciple making. The 2025 National Disciple Making Forum is a unique…

Announcement: 2021 National Disciple Making Forum: The Cost of Discipleship (Nov. 4–5)

Announcement: 2021 National Disciple Making Forum: The Cost of Discipleship (Nov. 4–5)

Dear Discipleship-first Friends, The past twelve months have revealed to us the true state of the church and the lives of many disciples of Jesus in North America. We have learned: We are too dependent on Sundays We are not focused enough on making disciples We are too enmeshed in politics Far too many are…

10 Key Resources to Help You Be Effective in Disciple Making

10 Key Resources to Help You Be Effective in Disciple Making

Dear Discipleship-first Friends, You need solid, practical resources to help you be as God-honoring and effective at disciple making as possible. From when we started in 2016, has sought to provide resources to you through various means, including print books. We have partnered with publishers to release eleven different books and we’ve released twenty…

Tolerant, Non-judgmental, and Loving: What Do These Have to Do With Discipling Relationships?

Tolerant, Non-judgmental, and Loving: What Do These Have to Do With Discipling Relationships?

Disciples of Jesus are facing a subtle but pervasive challenge in North America right now. Left unchecked, this challenge erodes the convictions of everyday disciples, leaders, and even entire churches. This challenge comes in the form of a mindset characterized by the following: Be tolerant Be accepting Be non-judgmental Be loving (sensitively compassionate) Be inclusive…

What Do We Mean by “Disciple,” “Disciple Making,” and “Discipleship”?

What Do We Mean by “Disciple,” “Disciple Making,” and “Discipleship”?

Words matter. Definitions matter, especially with regard to words and concepts we find in Scripture. A particular word may carry different definitions and meanings, depending on one’s perspective, and this is true for discipleship language. That means we can use the same language about discipleship as someone else, and each of us be talking about…

What Are the Elements of a Level 5 Disciple Making Church?

What Are the Elements of a Level 5 Disciple Making Church?

A Level 5 disciple making church epitomizes our highest aspirations for churches in North America and beyond. These disciple making churches emphasize the ministry, priesthood, and disciple making mandate of every believer. They are not dependent on preachers, programs, and praise and worship gatherings as is the case with popular North American churches, although there…

Why Is the Culture of a Disciple Making Church So Important?

Why Is the Culture of a Disciple Making Church So Important?

“Culture eats strategy for breakfast.” That statement, attributed to the most influential management guru of our time, Peter Drucker, describes a reality church leaders must face in the pursuit of creating disciple making churches. A disciple making church culture is what your church actually does in disciple making; strategy is your plans on paper. Unfortunately,…

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