Your 30 Resources from 30 Days of Discipleship #30discipleship
The following list of resources came from you, subscribers and followers. We got a flood of resources from you after the “Join 30 Days of Discipleship” blog we sent out. You sent in 30 resources that we wanted to highlight for the “30 Days of Discipleship” campaign this year. Here they are in no certain order:
1. From Paul Dugan of Walnut Creek Presbyterian Church:
“The Journey Of Discipleship” via Walnut Creek Presbyterian Church
2-4. From Obed Almeyda of Healing Word Ministries:
2. Randy Frazee, Believe: Living the Story of the Bible to Become Like Jesus
3. Bill Bright, A Handbook for Christian Maturity 10 Basic Steps Toward Christian Maturity
4. Larry Stockstill’s “Discovery” series, including Model Man
5-7. From Tracey Adkins of Hillcrest Baptist Church:
5. Growing Up: How to Be a Disciple Who Makes Disciples through LifeWay
6. Firmly Planted: How to Cultivate a Faith Rooted in Christ by Robby Gallaty
7. Conference: Discipleship Blueprint
8. From Jon Jenkins of Church Planting Initiative:
Three questions:
- What is Jesus saying to you?
- What are you going to do in response?
- Who are you going to tell about it?
9. From Joe Saubert:
Rick Taylor, The Anatomy of a Disciple // AOD on Twitter
10. From Robert Lisi:
“The New Testament: How Jesus taught the 12 and the masses and the leaders of the day, served and was an example.”
11. From Jeff Hudson of Christian Fellowship Church:
“Real Life Ministry‘s discipleship strategy of relational, intentional, reproducible d-groups.”
12. From Mitch Thompson of The Avenue Church:
“DNA Guide” from Saturate: “We found it to be incredibly productive in all aspects and very easy to follow.”
13. From Lee Thrasher of Providence Road Church of Christ:
Jim Putman and Bobby Harrington, DiscipleShift: Five Steps That Help Your Church To Make Disciples Who Make Disciples
14. From Brad Miller of International Teams:
Mike Breen, Building a Discipling Culture
15. From Gregg Farah of Shelter Rock Church:
Chris Adsit, Personal Disciplemaking: A Step-By-Step Guide for Leading a New Christian From New Birth to Maturity
16. From Cedric Payne:
Jeff Vanderstelt Saturate: Being Disciples of Jesus in the Everyday Stuff of Life through CrossWay
17. Ian Nundy:
Robert E. Coleman, The Master Plan of Evangelism
18. From Casey Cramer of Christ Presbyterian Church:
The Navigators “Topical Memory System”
19. From Todd Smeltzer of Jersey Baptist Church:
“Real Life’s Immersion experience” and Replicate’s Discipleship Blueprint.
20. From David Lovell of Bendigo Baptist Church:
“Material from Relational Discipleship Network.”
21-22. From Joe Valentino of Upper Arlington Lutheran Church:
21. Jim Putman, Real Life Discipleship: Building Churches That Make Disciples through NavPress
22. Bill Mowry, The Ways of the Alongsider: Growing Disciples Life to Life through NavPress
23. From Todd Davis:
Greg Ogden, Discipleship Essentials: A Guide to Building Your Life in Christ
24. From Broughton Kathryn:
Her own story of discipleship at 70 years old.
25. From James Ellard:
“My own Bible study and prayer.”
26. From Travis Metcalfe:
Jim Putman, Real Life Discipleship: Building Churches That Make Disciples through NavPress
27. From Peter Cheyne of Mornington Presbyterian Church:
Günter Krallmann, Mentoring for Mission: A Handbook on Leadership Principles Exemplified by Jesus Christ
28. From Mike Heller:
“Pat Morley.”
29. From Eduardo Bracier:
Neil Cole, Grupos que Transforman Vidas through CMA Resources
30. From Brad Brenner of Centralia Christian Church:
Jim Putman and Bobby Harrington, DiscipleShift: Five Steps That Help Your Church To Make Disciples Who Make Disciples
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*The contributors above speak on behalf of neither nor the organizations the represent.
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