7 Reasons Why Movements Are Not Happening In North America

The question comes up over and over again – why are movements happening all over the globe but not here in America?

Is it possible that we have some cultural issues that prevent us from some of the prerequisites for movements to happen?

There is an outstanding video outlining 7 barriers to disciple making movements in America. I would like you to watch the video and let’s talk in the comments.

You can watch the video here: Why Don’t We See Movements in America? 7 Barriers – YouTube

Here are my reflections:

1 – Time and money

We are busy people. Church can make us busier, and that busyness does not always produce kingdom fruit. When you talk about making disciples you are asking busy people to add one more thing to their schedule. This takes us to #7 below – sacrifice. Making disciples is going to cost us something. Are we willing to pay the cost to see lives changed?

2 – Prayer and fasting

There is prayer and then there is praying in faith. Prayer can be routine, but it can also be out of faith, truly believing that God can do what we cannot. Fasting is about surrendering control – putting God in charge. We get uncomfortable to prioritize God above everything, even food. Fasting is uncommon in North American Christianity but far more common in places where there are movements. Fasting teaches us dependence and trust, two things needed to see God move.

3 – Valuing obedience over knowledge

We teach more than just about anything else, but do we value obedience? I believe we value obedience in what it takes to “get in” the kingdom but do we value and emphasize obedience to Jesus as a normal part of being a Christian/disciple? What do we profit if we learn but don’t obey? Many of us came out of legalism. Obedience might have a bad taste to it because we are used to abuses of the term. But obedience is wildly biblical and absolutely necessary to partner with God, which is necessary for movements.

4 – Valuing community and relationship

We live in a very isolated world. Social media has made it worse. We need to get back to genuine relationships and building intentional community of fellow disciples. This, again, will cost us something. This, again, is a cultural issue. We need to stand against our culture on this. It is not good for us to be alone, as God said in the garden. Movements require relationship.

5 – Valuing transparency and accountability

If the only concept we have of transparency is an invitation song with 500 people watching, we are missing the boat. When we have community and relationship, it needs to be marked with transparency. This is going to make many of us afraid…again, this will cost us something. But we also have much to gain and the kingdom has much to gain by going deep with people in meaningful relationship.

6 – Humility and supernatural faith

Pride is a commodity in America. Social media influencers are attractive to our culture. Pride prevents movements. We need to humble ourselves and even repent if we are going to see movements in America. Look at what God did through Jonah in Nineveh – and it was a call to repent.

7 – Perseverance and sacrifice

In our microwave society, perseverance isn’t valued. Seeing movements is going to come with difficulty and trials. Trials will require us to hang on and stretch our faith. It will require sacrifice – cost – giving things up to make room for movements to happen. Does North American Christianity have the will to give up some branded territory to see movements that don’t have our name on them?

Again, you can watch the video here: Why Don’t We See Movements in America? 7 Barriers – YouTube

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