Earning the Title…

I used to think my DISCONTENT was a VIRTUE.

After all, it helped me experience the fortune of earning a multitude of titles in my amazing “Forrest Gump” life: Marine, Ironman, Coach of the Year, State Champion, Pastor, and Professor, to name a few.

I achieved much in my life because I was never satisfied. Always wanting more.

I believed this until I watched my father, who was also in the club of the DISCONTENT, wither away for three years before he finally passed away recently. He couldn’t communicate very well during that time, but it seemed like he always wanted to tell me something about the mania with which we’ve lived, which even got in the way of our relationship from time to time.

As I prepared to officiate his funeral, I heard him loud and clear in my soul. I came to grips with my own mortality, and I decided to do a deep dive into every verse and book ever written on BIBLICAL CONTENTMENT so when my time on earth expired, I could say I repented about what I think he was trying to warn me.

I learned MUCH.

Mainly, I learned my DISCONTENTMENT was sinful.

We are both commanded and commended to BE CONTENT in the Bible (see Hebrews 13:5, 1 Timothy 6:6-10, and Philippians 4:11-13).


Satan cannot get a stronghold on the kind of Christians who are CONTENT. These Christians have learned to live with so little so that if Satan took it all, they would be unaffected. These Christians have learned to see their blessings from God as so bountiful that they could never be made to covet forcing them to make sinful decisions regarding money, possessions, or sex. These Christians know they have ALL they need.

To be this kind of Christian, I have taken what I have learned from my study and started living the following habits that I would suggest to anyone who would want to live a life of CONTENTMENT:

  1. Carry Heaven with you wherever you go – In Matthew 6, Jesus instructs us to “seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness.” That sounds amazing and ethereal, but what does it really mean? Here is what I have been doing with it: If I am not going to care about a situation in Heaven, I don’t give much thought to it now. I do my best to prioritize things I will care about in Heaven over the things I won’t. I can’t tell you how life giving this has been. Give it a try.
  2. See life as God’s robust, well-rounded curriculum designed to make you more like Christ – Something that may blow your mind is that in Philippians 4:12 where it is translated that Paul “learned the secret” of plenty and hunger should more aptly be translated “have been initiated into the mystery” of being content in abundance and want. Seeing your life as an initiation changes everything. God’s Providence is teaching you. Everything you are going through is FOR YOUR GOOD (Romans 8:28).
  3. Stop complaining – Consider Philippians 2:14-16
    • Here is what you are saying to God when you complain about the…
      • PAST – God has failed you.
      • PRESENT – God is getting it wrong in your current situation.
      • FUTURE – God can’t be trusted to get it right in the days to come.
    • God is your complaint department. Cast all of your anxieties on Him before going to others. (1 Peter 5:7)
  4. Take daily inventory of your mercies – Consider Philippians 4:7-8
    • When I start feeling bad, I look at all my blessings and say out loud, “I have it really good.”
    • When I find myself in a bad situation, I have started saying “I have never had a problem that couldn’t make worse.” I pray to God knowing He can help me solve it. I thank Him for the opportunity to see Him work.
  5. Measure my life against those who have been Martyred for their faith – I cannot tell you how life changing it is to do a daily study of someone who has given literally everything for their faith.

As I do these things, I discover that I, too, am being “initiated into the mystery” of biblical contentment. I now see my life as a bootcamp where I am earning the title “CONTENT” the way I earned the title “Marine” so many years ago.

The title of “Marine” defends a nation for a period of enlistment.

The title of “CONTENT” defends a soul for eternity.

The path is narrow. FEW find it.

This post originally appeared at: Earning the Title… – Relational Discipleship Network

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