Free eBook – Reaching and Discipling Women – A Guide to Women’s Ministry in Your Church

Dear Discipleship-first Friends,

What are the characteristics of a powerful and purposeful women’s ministry?

At we love it when we can bring you free resources that can have a transformative and positive impact on your church and in your families and we believe today’s eBook offering will do exactly that.

In this free, downloadable eBook, Reaching and Discipling Women, Anessa Westbrook outlines designing and implementing an effective, well thought-out women’s ministry, where she includes scripture to inform, some basic theory around women’s ministry and some practical tips and thoughts on how to organize and effect a women’s ministry in your church (as well as how to avoid some of the typical pitfalls).

Anessa Westbrook, in her role as an Associate Professor of Bible and Ministry at Harding University specializes in female spiritual development, women’s ministry and textual studies—and she loves helping women discover their gifts.  Reaching and Discipling Women is a passionate outpouring of this gifted author’s years of teaching and life experience with discipling women.

Women are wired for relationship and as such, lean toward creating organic connections with each other.  The Reaching and Discipling Women eBook looks at several aspects and purposes for women’s ministry—such as, how women’s ministry can be an ideal environment for discipling relationships, what really makes women grow spiritually, why women’s ministry matters and then this impactful resource looks at the concept of biblical womanhood as informed by scripture rather than the world.

Finally, like a sort of ‘added bonus,’ Bobby Harrington writes in the appendix that sums up the core teaching of the book by sharing (and unpacking) 7 disciple making rhythms that beautifully defines the purpose and intent behind any women’s ministry—it’s just icing on the cake!

Whether your church is starting from scratch by designing your first ever women’s ministry, or if you are reigniting an existing women’s ministry, this eBook lays out a solid plan, with concise parameters for doing just that.  

Download this free eBook and start growing your women’s ministry today!

For King Jesus,

The Team

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