God Has a Bigger Vision for Your Life

What vision do you have for your life?
It’s not a question that people often think about, but it’s essential to think about it if you want to make a difference with your one life. You were made for something more than just being happy and successful or being able to afford all the stuff you might want to buy. The truth is that you were made to make an eternal difference.

Most people think too small about their lives. They have small hopes, small dreams, small goals, and small expectations. Small thoughts lead to small lives. But God has a bigger vision for your life. His vision is that you would spend your one life pursuing the things that matter most, the things that last forever.

Settling for a smaller, less significant vision is like building a sandcastle on the beach. When you’re done, the tide rises, and the waves wash it all away. James 4.14 NLT says, “Your life is like the morning fog – it’s here a little while, then it’s gone.” That’s why God calls us to give our best to Jesus and His mission instead of wasting our limited time, effort, and energy on things that won’t matter in the end.

Ultimately, Jesus is the one who will evaluate the success and goodness of your life. On that day, it won’t be about how much money you made or how many friends you had. What will matter is whether or not you knew Him and made Him known. Those are the things that matter most.

What are you going to do with your life?
You can dream small, or you can adopt a bigger vision. You can focus on temporary things with little significance, or you can focus on eternal things with lasting significance. The choice is yours.

At this point, I want to challenge you to take the next step on your spiritual journey. You know how to walk with God, and you know how to reach your world. But the key to a life of genuine significance lies in what’s next.

If you’re up for it, your life could be the catalyst that ignites a movement that continues long after you’re gone and stretches all the way to eternity itself. That’s the bigger vision that God has for you. Can you see it? Will you pursue it?

This blog originally appeared at: God Has A Bigger Vision For Your Life – discipleFIRST and features an excerpt from one of their Student Series books, Reach Your World.

Because of the importance of intentionality in disciple making, we at Discipleship.org are going to emphasize this skill set and mindset over the next four months. Please join with us and seek to share understanding, insight, and practical tools so that you can become skilled at intentionality in relational disciple making and you can help those on your team or in your leadership group to do the same. There are four ways in which we are emphasizing intentionality to help you in the next four months.

  1. Discipleship.org City Tour Forums – our four City Tour Forums are designed to help you and your team both understand and develop an intentionality posture. The tour is comprised of one day, high impact forums where there will be teaching and round table discussions. Every attendee also gets a copy of Brandon Guindon’s new book, Intentional: Living Out the Eight Principles of Disciple Making.

Click the image below for more information.

Take the FREE Individual Disciple Maker Assessment – we designed this assessment with a team of national and international disciple making leaders to help each individual be able to evaluate their disciple making mindset and skill. Just by taking this assessment, you will gain an appreciation for the value of intentionality, along with a sense of how you can increase your own level of intentionality. Click the image below to take the assessment.

  • Read the short FREE book, Becoming a Disciple Maker: The Pursuit of Level Five Disciple Making – Bobby wrote this short eBook with statistician Greg Wiens to help you understand the mathematical and practical impact of one person’s disciple making efforts and skills.

Click the image below to download this free eBook.

  • Read Brandon Guindon’s book, Intentional: Living Out the Eight Principles of Disciple Making – Brandon wrote this Discipleship.org book and Zondervan is publishing, because the understanding and practice of disciple making is so crucial. Every attendee at each of our City Tour events (Nashville, Houston, Dallas and Raleigh), as mentioned above, will receive a FREE copy of Brandon Guindon’s book.

Click the image below to order Brandon Guindon’s book from Amazon.com.

Please join with us in this quest to better understand and practice intentionality. It will help us all to become more and more like Jesus, the world greatest disciple maker.

Categories: blog