Relational DiscipleShift: How to Create a Disciple Making Church Culture

The Relational Discipleship Network is leading a track called “Relational DiscipleShift: How to Create a Disciple Making Church Culture,” which focuses on making disciples in relational environments.

We are called to make disciples of Jesus. This is done in the context Jesus modeled for us—making disciples in and through relationship—relational discipleship. Jesus’ teachings are sacred and so are his methods; you cannot separate Jesus’ teachings from his methods and expect his results.

Learn with Jim Putman, author of this blog, in person at the 2017 National Disciple Making Forum.

This is one of the largest gatherings of disciple makers in North America with 65+ workshops, 30+ speakers, and 10+ tracks. Join us to learn practical ways to make disciples of Jesus this November 9-10. Register for the 2017 National Disciple Making Forum here.

The Relational Discipleship Network (RDN) exists to coach, train, and plant churches that are committed to making disciples of Jesus relationally

We started RDN due to large-scale demand from church leaders across the world who desire to have a disciple making church. The goal is to see lives transformed by Jesus and to be part of communities that are being transformed by him, too. The Network is comprised of churches who are committed to making disciples of Jesus the way he modeled it. All this is to be accomplished in relationship—real, authentic relationship.

Church leaders in the Relational Discipleship Network collaborate together to host and facilitate a national 2-day experiential training called DiscipleShift1. This training is very experiential and interactive. It focuses on making disciples of Jesus in real relationship. The facilitators of the training are church leaders from across the country who are passionate about making disciples of Jesus using his teachings and his methods. These churches in the Network who have made this shift are committed to coaching and equipping other church leaders to make the shift in their church.

Our Track at the 2017 National Disciple Making Forum

Jesus modeled for his disciples how and what was necessary to make disciples. His disciples, in return, modeled for the early church what it means to be a disciple of Jesus. Somehow, we have lost some of those principals with today’s church practices. In our tracks at the Forum, we will be looking at five components that Jesus modeled to make disciples.

These components are simple and understandable. Each leader must look at the way they are “doing church” and be willing to look at how they make disciples compared to how Jesus made disciples. Each of these five components is crucial to making disciples of Jesus. We will look at each component from the perspective of how Jesus modeled each component and how it translates into the church today.

Leading this track is Jim Putman, who is the co-planter and Senior Pastor of Real Life Ministries in Post Falls, Idaho. Jim holds degrees from Boise State University and Boise Bible College. His voice reaches hundreds of thousands across the nation through speaking conferences, the web, radio, and weekend services. He is the author of various books including Church is a Team Sport, DiscipleShift, and Real Life Discipleship. Jim’s passion is discipleship through small groups. He lives with his wife and three sons in scenic northern Idaho.

Categories: blog