Key Disciple-Making Topics to Consider

There are 15 ministries that will be teaching about disciple making at the National Forum in April. We want to give you an idea of some of the key breakout topics to be discussed as they add so much value to the event and to the ministries of those who attend. We also hope this familiarizes you with our ministry partners who are doing extraordinary work for the Kingdom!

The Transformative, Disciple Making Power of Micro Groups
Global Discipleship Initiative

1. How Replicating Micro Groups Are Shaping Disciple Making Church Cultures

Hear the stories of transformation of churches who are experiencing the infusion of energy as micro groups multiply from 20 to 50 to 80+ in less than 5 years.

2. How Micro Groups Embody Jesus’ Intentional, Relation

Churches major in programs, disciples are made in relationship.

3. How Micro Groups Become the Hothouses of the Holy Spirit

Micro Groups bring together four key, transformative qualities: 1. Relational transparency 2. God’s truth in community 3. Life-change accountability 4. Engagement in our God-given mission.

4. Why Micro Groups Are So Simple Almost Anyone Can Lead

The micro group provides the everyday follower of Jesus a way to become disciple makers.

Building Disciples With Today’s Tools

1. Spiritual Warfare: Building Spiritual Warriors

Spiritual warfare is real, and Jesus has provided us with weapons to win when we are in the midst of it! Are you equipping the people you are discipling to fight against the enemy’s schemes? You’ve heard about the armor of God, but have you ever considered which of the devil’s weapons work best against you and those you are discipling?

2. The Vocations: Building Leaders to Shape Generations

Imagine how different our community or nation might look if godly, seasoned leaders intentionally discipled the next generation? Younger leaders are hungry to learn and grow, and it’s the responsibility of those in their 40s-70s to disciple them in the ways of God when it comes to work.

3. Our Children: Building Children into Mature Disciples

We know we’re supposed to disciple our children, but it feels overwhelming. Even though there are countless devotionals, Bible studies and books for teaching children about Jesus, where do we start? Gain a fresh perspective on how you can make a disciple making a difference in the children in your life!

4. Our Rights: Building Lives that Relinquish Rights

We love our rights. We love to proclaim them whenever we feel someone has infringed on them. But God calls us to servanthood and that means surrendering a lot of things we think we have a right to. Are you willing to lay down your rights to be more available to God to serve others?

Relational Disciple Making and Leadership
TCM International

1. Understanding the Foundation of Effective Relational Discipling: How To Build and Grow Your Personal Spiritual Life in Christ

The heart of leading and developing a life-changing Discipling Ministry begins with the spiritual life of the leader. As leaders, we must know Jesus personally and deeply. This workshop will discuss and explain in detail, how a leader can dramatically grow in their own spiritual journey.

2. Jesus’ Training of the Twelve: Discovering the 7 Absolute Most Critical Elements of Jesus’ Disciple Making Approach to Your Personal Discipling Ministry

We must carefully examine the elements Jesus used to train and prepare His disciples for effective disciple making themselves. In this workshop, we will discover together what Jesus did to grow and prepare His disciples for multiplication.

3. How to Motivate and Enable Lay Men and Women to Lead Effective Discipling Groups and Ministries of Their Own

Lay leaders, both men and women, can very effectively lead formal Discipling Groups on their own. This workshop will explain how to prepare and motivate lay leaders to accept the challenge to lead life-changing groups themselves.

4. The Five Most Important Things an Effective Discipling Group Leader Needs to Know When Leading A Transformative Discipling Group

There are critical, biblical keys that every Discipling Group leader needs to know and understand to see serious transformation of life in his or her group’s members. In this workshop, we will discuss and illustrate each of these keys and apply them to situations and circumstances each of us face as we begin and develop a Discipling Group.

As you can see, these discussion topics are very practical and will truly be a blessing to you and those you disciple.

Click here to register for the 2023 National Disciple Making Forum

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