Key Disciple-Making Topics to Consider: Part 2

There are 15 ministries that will be teaching about disciple making at the National Forum in April. We want to give you an idea of some of the key breakout topics to be discussed as they add so much value to the event and to the ministries of those who attend. We also hope this familiarizes you with our ministry partners who are doing extraordinary work for the Kingdom!

The Foundation of a Disciple Making Culture

Navigators Church Ministries

1. Foundation Building: A CORE Team that Supports the Vision

Foundation building is step #1 in your church’s disciple making process. Churches that make disciples without building the foundation are depending on an upside-down pyramid to stand firm. Such “Fire, Aim, Ready” approaches result in short-term impact followed by long-term grasping. To create a disciple making culture in your church, laying a foundation is essential. This workshop kicks off an entire track that will help you learn how to practically build a disciple making foundation.

2. Foundation Building: A CORE Team that Owns the Mission

Ok, got it, “Go and make disciples…” but let’s be honest, it’s way easier said than done. What happens when a church gets serious about not just making disciples, but making disciple-makers? Where does a church leader begin on the journey of building a disciple making culture? Come and hear the true story one disciple making church; the lessons learned, the path walked, and what’s ahead.

3. Foundation Building: A CORE Team that Conflict Can’t Disrupt

What happens when your Core Team clashes? As the CORE TEAM experiences victories and challenges, relational conflict often emerges. If not handled well, such conflict can derail your team. The good news is Jesus faced these too. This workshop will uncover four ways to build a unified, cohesive core team.

4. Foundation Building: A CORE Team that Won’t Give Up

What makes the difference between growing a vibrant disciple-making culture in our churches and well-intentioned programs that often fizzle out? CORE team leaders that don’t give up. This workshop will focus on the importance of discipline, celebration, and direction in helping the team run with endurance the race set before them (Hebrews 12:1).

Disciple Making At a Table for Two

Small Circle

1. Why We Are Scientifically Wired to Get Beyond the Group Setting

Why is it that when only two of us are sitting in a restaurant booth, there is a certain sense of close connectivity that uniquely happens without a third party? The answer is that we are engineered to experience various levels of closeness in different relational settings. Jesus demonstrated that disciple-making takes place in all kinds of settings – group, micro-group (3-4 people), and one-to-one. It’s the one-to-one that often gets left out in disciple making and an invaluable relational dimension is lost. This session will focus on the necessity, the power, and the strategy of including the one-to-one level in disciple making

2. To Create A Disciple-Making Culture, We’ve Got to Get Everyday People In the Game…And Here’s How To.

The disciple-making challenge of the Great Commission has no exemptions – every Christ follower is included. But how do we make this a reality in our local church where Truck Driver Ted and Soccer Mom Sally, everyday people, are confident to make disciples? The responsibility falls to leaders to equip – that is, to provide equipment. The only way to create a culture of disciple making in your local church is if you have a strategy that includes Ted and Sally, everyday people. This session provides real tools (printed and mobile app) specifically designed for the everyday person to be involved in disciple-making at an in-depth level. The great thing is that you can download these tools at no charge and you’ll be equipped to launch them right away.

3. Getting Beyond Information Transfer When Using Tools

Human beings absorb truth in many more ways than merely hearing or reading. A disciple is not made through information transfer. No one knew this better than Jesus. For example, imagine integrating real life experiences (we call them labs) in disciple-making like Jesus did when he asked Peter to get out of the boat. Do you think Peter ever forgot that experience? You will walk out of this session with a broad collection of real-life labs that you can build into your disciple-making experience. These labs will lift your disciple-making way beyond information transfer.

4. High Tech, High Touch…Featuring the Smallcircle App

The Smallcircle mobile and web app is listed on the Top 10 list of tools by Using technology can enhance a number of levels in disciple making. This session will unfold the Smallcircle app which is making impact around the world. The Smallcircle app is a free download and can be found on both the Google and Apple stores. Find out how technology can be a strong asset in every disciple-making setting. If possible, it would be an advantage to download the app before the session. Search for “Smallcircle” in the app stores.

Building Blocks for Disciple Making Movement

Traders Point Christian Church

1. The State of Discipleship in the US and Disciple Making Movements Worldwide

Bobby Harrington will set the stage in our “Building Blocks” track to dive deeper into the state of disciple making movements in the world today, pulling insights from the “State of Discipleship” report authored by and Exponential, as well as recent insights from Bobby’s recent ebook 10 Shifts in Disciple Making Today.

2. The Critical Role of Prayer and Fasting in Disciple Making Movements

Hear from Shodankeh Johnson, leader of a large and growing Disciple Making Movement in West Africa! Traders Point Discipleship Pastor, Bart Shaw will interview Shodankeh as he shares insights into the true fuel in disciple making (prayer and fasting) and steps you can take to start today!

3. Family Discipleship

Learn how to equip the church for holistic disciple making through family discipleship. Hear how to equip and inspire, parents, kids, youth ministry teams and volunteers.

4. How We Are Making Disciples at Traders Point

Join Traders Point Pastors’, Aaron Brockett and Bart Shaw as they discuss how they are working to make disciples in their context, as well as sharing practical tools and next steps for you and your church.

As you can see, these discussion topics are very practical and will truly be a blessing to you and those you disciple.

Click here to register for the 2023 National Disciple Making Forum

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