Invest in a Few: How to Raise Up Reproducing Disciple Makers

discipleFIRST is leading a track at this year’s National Forum called “Invest in a Few: How to Raise Up Reproducing Disciple Makers,” which focuses on equipping church leaders who will multiply disciple makers in their local church context by investing in a few.

We at discipleFIRST are committed to igniting movements of disciple making churches locally and globally. We do this by providing pastors and leaders with training, resources, and encouragement to help them lead their churches to live like Jesus. Our core message is that Jesus’ command to make disciples should be the first concern of the local church. In a day where churches are becoming less effective and the culture is growing more secular, our hope for church revitalization cannot come from following fads or trends. The solution to church health isn’t in something new; it’s in something ancient. That “something” is Jesus’s model to make disciples that make disciples. This was Jesus’ plan all along, yet today few churches actually have an intentional plan to make disciples who will change the world. Our purpose is to come along side pastors and leaders to help them begin living out in their churches Jesus’ command to make disciples.

Get more content like this in person at the 2017 National Disciple Making Forum.

This is one of the largest gatherings of disciple makers in North America with 65+ workshops, 30+ speakers, and 10+ tracks. Join us to learn practical ways to make disciples of Jesus this November 9-10. Register for the 2017 National Disciple Making Forum here.

How does this work exactly? First, we help leaders explore disciple making for themselves. These exploration opportunities come through short, one-day Flashpoint Forums or a full two-day Flashpoint Conference. We also take leaders to Israel and study Jesus’ model of disciple making as we walk where Jesus walked. Second, we connect leaders with other disciple making leaders. We do this through disciple making cohorts, designed to help leaders grow as a disciple and train them to be personal disciple makers. Third, we equip leaders to grow up disciple makers in their churches. We do this by providing resources that have been written in the local church and for the local church. Finally, we empower leaders to multiply themselves in their own churches and invest in other pastors and leaders locally and around the world.

Our track at this year’s Forum

The goal of our track at this year’s Forum is to give you practical steps on how you can raise up an army of reproducing disciples in your church. These simple steps can be applied to any church of any size! In this track you will discover…

  • Jesus’ surprising model for raising up reproducing disciple makers
  • How to cast vision for disciple making in a compelling way
  • How to create groups that really produce reproducers
  • Where to find time to make disciples in your already-busy schedule
  • The four essential elements for every disciple making group

I hope that you will join us for this “hands on” equipping track. As you produce reproducers in your church, I’m confident you will find this track extremely helpful. Recently, I published an eBook entitled Invest in a Few, distributed through; while the titles for this eBook and our track are the same, don’t be mistaken—the content in this track isn’t in the book. It can only be seen here at the Forum! Hope to see you soon!

Leading this track is Craig Etheredge, a gifted communicator, author, and Bible teacher and the Lead Pastor at First Colleyville, a thriving church in the Dallas/Fort Worth area. He is Founder and President of discipleFIRST ministries and a regular speaker at the FlashPoint Conference across the United States. Craig is also Adjunct Professor of Discipleship at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth, Texas and is actively involved in his local community serving on various boards.

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