Silence in the Noise

Silence. Although it was just over 10 years ago, I remember vividly the absolute silence surrounded me. Sitting on a log, I contemplated the walk through the snow back to my truck. I had spent the morning deer hunting and found myself less interested in the hunt and more wanting to hear from God. So, I took a break and found the closest thing that would serve as a good chair. At the time, my wife Amber and I had been seeking God’s direction for us. We sensed God was shaking our nest and would be calling us to venture out from our safety in North Idaho. The noise in my heart and mind contrasted the utter silence as the snowflakes drifted around me. We were waiting on God, yet we knew an answer was coming soon. Tension grew in moments like these, because deep in my heart, I was scared God would actually answer and tell me something horrifying. Yes, horrifying, like I want you to get up, move your family to Texas, and you’re just going to have to trust me.

Have you ever been in the woods, during the winter, when snow is falling? The silence created by the hibernation of nature and the snow falling is simply amazing. If you have not, I want you to know you are missing out. Have you ever had the tension in your heart I described waiting on God to give you direction? Well, if you have followed Christ for more than 24 hours, I know you can answer yes to that one.

One of the many things I loved about growing up and living in Idaho was the incredible times out in creation. The reflections into one’s soul that can come from those quite moments sitting on a log can be healing. Now, here in Houston, Texas, I find myself missing those times, but so appreciating when God does give me time to sit and reflect. Even though I do not have a log to sit on, and it surely isn’t 25 degrees and snowing, in God’s loving kindness, He still meets me in the quiet times. IF, and it is a big “if,” I will sit and reflect.

We are in the season of celebrating the birth of Christ. This is a celebration and memorial to our God in Heaven who sent His Son to bring peace to earth. Jesus brought a relational peace that is now possible between a Holy God and His people. The busyness of life continues to encroach on my quiet time and reflection. I no longer walk out into a snow-covered forest and listen to the silence. Yet I long to have the quiet soul reflection like never before. As a disciple my family’s journey to Texas, planting Real Life Ministries Texas and the incredible miracle our church family is, has taught me the importance of the quiet times. The value of stopping, sitting, reflecting on the incredible work of God to send Christ to save mankind.

For my family and I, this time of year is about reflection. I think allowing the busyness of life to rob one of that defeats the entire purpose of the Christmas season. So, for you, how will you take time to find a log, chair or just a comfy couch and reflect on Christ? How will you ensure that your family keeps Christ at the center as you contemplate His desires for you and your family? As a follower, find time to just sit, rest in him and enjoy His love for you.

This post originally appeared at: Silence In The Noise | Relational Discipleship Network (

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