The Power of Invitation

What is in the power of an invitation? One might think a simple invitation is not really a big deal but let us dig deeper into what an invitation has the power to be. When I was a young kid growing up in a small town, I was invited to try alcohol and marijuana. By the time I was nine years old, I was invited to break into a house. At the time, being invited into a group or to partake in something really did not seem like a big deal; it was just something that my friends and I were doing. However, it felt good to be a part of something and accepted by others. It felt good to belong.

As I have matured, I have come to understand the gravity an invitation can possess and how the consequences can have lifelong effects. By my early 30s, I had made nearly every mistake one can make including one that has had lifelong consequences for me. At the time, I was of the mind that I was too far gone for anything good to come from my life. That changed at 32 when I was invited into the most powerful relationship I have ever known, a relationship with King Jesus! I understood then how powerful an invitation could be. As we read in


Matthew 11:28-30 ESV

[28] Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. [29] Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. [30] For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”


I had been invited into a relationship that radically changed my life! If we are honest with ourselves, deep down inside we all want to feel accepted. Being invited into something makes you feel wanted and valued, but the purpose of the invitation matters. You can be invited or invite someone into something that causes harm, misery loves company, or you can be invited into sharing a new life in Christ.

To get a clearer example of what an invitation is, we must first understand that in our day-to-day actions we are modeling a behavior that will influence others. Into what do your words, actions, or deeds invite others? I remember the first time someone walked up to me and invited me into a conversation about the Lord. All he did was ask me an intentional question, “Do you know the Lord?” Through that conversation, this man was inviting me into a relationship with him as we discussed God’s word together, read God’s word together, prayed together, and simply did life together. I had been saved for three years by then but did not have anyone intentionally discipling me or helping me understand my new life in Christ. The intentionality of someone simply inviting me into their life radically changed my own life. Suddenly, all the scriptures I had read about fellowship, relationship, gathering together, and walking alongside one another came to life in that one intentional question.

Jesus was intentional with the 12 disciples, and they impacted the world. Barnabas was intentional with the apostle Paul who became the second greatest disciple maker behind Jesus. We all know that the apostle Paul wrote 13 books of the New Testament. The apostle Paul was also intentional with Timothy who was a young leader in the church.

Are you intentionally living your life in a way that’s inviting others into relational discipleship with God and those around them?

This post originally appeared at: The Power of Invitation | Relational Discipleship Network (

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