Asking AI About Being a Disciple of Jesus

With all of the buzz about ChatGPT, I decided to try it out.  In case you don’t know, ChatGPT, according to Google, ‘works like a written dialogue between an Artificial Intelligence system and the person asking questions.’  In other words, we can pose questions or make requests of ChatGPT and the answers/results are the product of Artificial Intelligence.

First, I asked ChatGPT to write a country song—it was pretty corny. Then, I asked it to write a sadder country song—it was equally corny.

Next, I asked it to write a worship song—again, kind of corny.

Then, I asked it to write a worship song based on Isaiah 44 and to give it a cord progression. It was actually pretty good! I was finally impressed.

Here’s my ‘chat’ with ChatGPT:

Me: What does it mean to be a disciple of Jesus?

ChatGPT: To be a disciple of Jesus means to be a follower of Jesus and to try to emulate his teachings and way of life. In the New Testament, the term “disciple” refers to followers of Jesus who were trained by him to spread his message and carry on his work. Disciples of Jesus are called to follow him, believe in his message, and strive to live their lives according to his teachings. This often involves a commitment to living a life of service, compassion, and love, as well as a willingness to share the message of Jesus with others.

Me:  How can churches make disciples of Jesus?

ChatGPT:  There are many different ways that churches can help people to become disciples of Jesus. Some key ways include:

  • Preaching and teaching the message of Jesus: This involves sharing the teachings of Jesus from the Bible and helping people to understand how they can apply them to their lives.
  • Providing opportunities for fellowship and community: Discipleship often happens in the context of community, so churches can provide opportunities for people to come together and build relationships with one another.
  • Encouraging spiritual growth: This can involve offering classes or small groups that help people to grow in their faith and understanding of Jesus.
  • Providing opportunities for service: Serving others is a key aspect of being a disciple of Jesus, so churches can provide opportunities for people to serve in their local community or abroad.
  • Modeling the way of Jesus: Disciples of Jesus are called to follow his example, so churches can encourage their members to model the love, compassion, and selflessness of Jesus in their own lives.

Me:  How are disciples conformed to the image of Jesus?

ChatGPT: Disciples of Jesus are conformed to his image through a process of spiritual transformation that is led by the Holy Spirit. This transformation involves a deepening of our relationship with Jesus, a greater understanding and embrace of his teachings, and a growing desire to follow him and imitate his way of life.

One key way that this transformation happens is through reading and studying the Bible, which helps us to learn more about Jesus and his teachings. Prayer and worship also play a role in this process, as they help us to draw closer to Jesus and seek his guidance and direction for our lives.

Another important aspect of being conformed to the image of Jesus is living out his teachings and example in our daily lives. This involves striving to love others as Jesus loved, showing compassion and mercy to those in need, and seeking to serve others and make a positive impact in the world.

Ultimately, the process of being conformed to the image of Jesus is a lifelong journey that requires a commitment to following him and seeking to grow in our faith.

Me:  How do we keep the Great Commission?

ChatGPT:  The Great Commission is the command that Jesus gave to his disciples to go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit and teaching them to observe all that he had commanded.

Here are some ways that Christians can fulfill the Great Commission:

  • Sharing the gospel message: This involves telling others about Jesus and the salvation that he offers.
  • Baptizing new believers: This is an important step of obedience for those who have placed their faith in Jesus.
  • Teaching others to follow Jesus: This involves helping people to understand what it means to be a follower of Jesus and to live out his teachings in their daily lives.
  • Serving others: One way to fulfill the Great Commission is to serve others in the name of Jesus and to demonstrate his love and compassion to the world.
  • Praying for the spread of the gospel: Christians can also fulfill the Great Commission by praying for the spread of the gospel and for the work of evangelism and discipleship around the world.

Me:  Why do people not want to be disciples of Jesus?

ChatGPT:  There can be a variety of reasons why people may not want to be disciples of Jesus. Some people may reject the idea of following Jesus because they do not believe in his message or because they are resistant to the idea of changing their beliefs or behaviors. Others may be hesitant to commit to following Jesus because they are afraid of what it might cost them, such as giving up certain habits or ways of living that are important to them.

Additionally, some people may simply not understand what it means to be a disciple of Jesus and may be unsure of what it entails. Others may have had negative experiences with religion or with people who claimed to follow Jesus, which may make them skeptical or hesitant to get involved.

Ultimately, the reasons why people may not want to be disciples of Jesus can be complex and varied, and it is important to approach each person with understanding and compassion.

Me:  What does it cost to be a disciple of Jesus?

ChatGPT:  Being a disciple of Jesus can involve a number of sacrifices, depending on the individual and the specific circumstances they face. Some common sacrifices that people may be called to make in order to follow Jesus include:

  • Giving up certain habits or behaviors that are not in line with the teachings of Jesus
  • Letting go of relationships or activities that are not consistent with a life of faith
  • Making time for prayer, Bible study, and other spiritual disciplines
  • Serving others and putting their needs before one’s own
  • Sharing one’s faith with others, even when it is not easy or comfortable

It is important to note that being a disciple of Jesus is not about earning favor with God or trying to “pay” for salvation. Rather, it is about responding to the love and grace that God has already given us and choosing to follow Jesus out of gratitude and love. While there may be sacrifices involved in this decision, it is ultimately a choice that brings us closer to God and helps us to grow in our relationship with him.

Me:  What does being a disciple of Jesus have to do with the image of God?

ChatGPT:  Being a disciple of Jesus is closely connected to the image of God because following Jesus helps us to better understand and reflect the nature and character of God. In the book of Genesis, it says that God created humans in his own image, meaning that we have the capacity to reflect his character and nature in the way we live our lives.

As we follow Jesus and seek to imitate his teachings and way of life, we are better able to reflect the love, compassion, and grace of God to the world around us. By living out the teachings of Jesus, we can demonstrate to others the goodness and love of God and help them to see him more clearly.

In this way, being a disciple of Jesus is not just about following a set of rules or beliefs, but rather about participating in the work of God in the world and being a reflection of his love and grace to others.

Me:  What does 1 Corinthians 11:1 mean?

ChatGPT:  In 1 Corinthians 11:1, Paul writes:

Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ.

In this verse, Paul is encouraging the believers in Corinth to follow his example as he follows the example of Jesus. This suggests that Paul sees himself as a model for others to follow, but only to the extent that he is following Jesus himself.

The phrase “as I follow the example of Christ” indicates that Paul’s ultimate goal is not to be followed for his own sake, but rather to lead others to Jesus and to model his teachings and way of life.

Overall, this verse encourages believers to follow the example of those who are following Jesus and to seek to imitate their example as we seek to grow in our faith and serve others.

Scripture says a lot about being disciples who imitate and obeying Jesus and even AI can recognize that. 

If you want to learn more about why it is so important to imitate and obey Jesus as His disciple, you can download the shorter free e-book here, or order the full-length book Recreated to be Like God, here.

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