Free eBook: The King Jesus Revolution

Do you have a good understanding of how to begin to implement King Jesus-style disciple making in your church?

I recently wrote a few articles about often overlooked advice on how to begin to lead a church to make disciples of King Jesus. We have compiled those articles into a free eBook, The King Jesus Revolution, to make it easier to access the information. This free resource gives the first 6 things I recommend doing to implement King Jesus-style disciple making in your church.

I admit that it is sometimes vague as to what to do to begin to align a church with King Jesus-style disciple making. You may be 100% convinced that you and your church need to be making disciples of King Jesus, but you don’t know exactly where and how to start. After 10 years of studying and implementing disciple making in seminary and the local church, these are 6 quick lessons that I learned through both failure and success. If you invited me to come to your church and give you advice, the information in The King Jesus Revolution is what I would recommend that you do.

We believe as Christians, it is mandatory to be and make disciples of King Jesus. Therefore, we want to do what we can to help you get started. We created this resource for you to have on hand to refer to and to be able to share with those helping you lead The King Jesus Revolution in your church.

Download The King Jesus Revolution here!

Download the free audiobook version here!

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