What Is Church? And How Important Is It? - Discipleship.org


What Is Church? And How Important Is It?

Through a deep dive into biblical teachings, you will learn…

  • Biblical Foundations: Explore key scriptures like Matthew 28:18-20 and Colossians 1:28-29 to understand the church’s true purpose.
  • Common Misconceptions: Address and debunk common assumptions about what makes a church.
  • Practical Insights: Learn how to integrate disciple making into the ministry of the local church effectively.
  • Guidance for Leaders: Equip yourself with the knowledge needed to lead your congregation towards a more biblically grounded understanding of church.

Download the FREE Audiobook here.


If we could succinctly capture everything God teaches about church in Scripture, there would be three vital points of summary:

  • A Church is 1) a regular, intentional, and relational gathering of Christians, and, 2) the people who gather (locally and universally), and 3) its purpose is to help people be disciples of Jesus and make disciples of Jesus.
  • Church is a matter of following and obeying Scripture. There are many hundreds of passages in Scripture that teach us about 1) what it means to function as a church, and 2) what you must do in obedience in order to grow and help others grow within the church.
  • Church is essential to your faithfulness.

Two verses from the book of Hebrews bring everything together in a short summary. Hebrews 10:24-25 says it all:

“And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.”

Yet there is a huge challenge we are facing in many places today with people dropping out of church.

Through a deep dive into biblical teachings, you will learn…

  • Biblical Foundations: Explore key scriptures like Matthew 28:18-20 and Colossians 1:28-29 to understand the church’s true purpose.
  • Common Misconceptions: Address and debunk common assumptions about what makes a church.
  • Practical Insights: Learn how to integrate disciple making into the ministry of the local church effectively.
  • Guidance for Leaders: Equip yourself with the knowledge needed to lead your congregation towards a more biblically grounded understanding of church.

Download the FREE Audiobook here.

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