How to Share the Gospel as an Introvert
by Craig Etheredge
One comment that we hear frequently is how hard it can be as an introvert to share the Gospel with people in your sphere of influence. Many think that introverts can’t share the Gospel as well as extroverts or that being an introvert excuses you from sharing the Gospel.
It’s not to say we aren’t empathetic to the challenges that introverts face when sharing the Gospel. We have introverts on our team here at discipleFIRST. But whether we are introverted or extroverted, our calling as Christians is the same: to share the Gospel with others, no matter how hard, awkward, or scary it might be for us to do so.
Does this mean everyone needs to be out in their communities with a megaphone, shouting the Gospel to whatever stranger can hear? No, not necessarily.
But when was the last time you had a spiritual conversation with your unbelieving friend? Do you have an unbelieving friend that you are investing in?
Because of this comment coming up frequently, we’re sharing how to share the Gospel as an introvert.
Know the Gospel
One reason people may be fearful of sharing the Gospel is that they don’t think they know it well enough. This fear might be one of the reasons hindering an introvert from sharing the Gospel.
The more time you spend studying God’s word and reflecting on what God has done in your own life, the more prepared you will be when the time comes to share the Gospel.
Find Your Place
Do you have a place where you’re consistently showing up? Maybe it’s at your kid’s extra-curricular activities. Maybe it’s at a book club. Or at the gym. Do you frequent a coffee shop where the baristas all know your name?
These are places where you have the opportunity to build relationships with people that you encounter on a frequent basis. They might look like insignificant moments, but as Christians, we should look at every moment and every person in our lives as significant.
Find Common Ground
Ask the people we mentioned above about their lives. Does the barista who makes your coffee on Saturday attend college? Is that person you always see at the gym and say, “Hi,” to married? Do they have kids?
These questions seem small, but they are ways of finding common ground with the people you frequently run into. It’s a way of building relationships with people that may not be Christian.
And not only that, it’s also a way for you to figure out how your story connects to theirs. And eventually, it’s an opportunity for you to use what God has done in your life.
Prepare Yourself for Rejection
“But what if they reject me?” This question is one of the most common fears and biggest barriers for people to share the Gospel. No one enjoys being rejected.
But how you respond to their choice to receive or not receive the Gospel is an example to them about who Jesus is. If you respond with anger, frustration, or continual questions about “Why not?” or “Just let me say one more thing,” you could potentially be pushing them further away from God.
You have the opportunity to respond with grace and say, “That’s okay. If you ever have any questions, I would love to talk about them, so don’t hesitate to ask.” Keep the door open and pray, asking God to move in their heart and their life.
You’re building a bridge, which is something that takes time.
By Craig Etheredge. This post first appeared at discipleFIRST. Used with permission.
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