Weekly Update: Join Me and Shodankeh Johnson to Learn Disciple Making in Israel
Dear Friends of the Discipleship-First Tribe,
At Discipleship·org we are fanning the flames of disciple-making ministry partners. We believe the vision to “make disciple making the norm” for churches in North America will require many networks, leaders, and organizations. Our vision is that we all work together to champion Jesus-style disciple making.
One of our partners is Shodankeh Johnson, who leads a significant disciple-making movement in Sierra Leone, Africa. He was a keynote speaker for Discipleship·org, at last year’s National Disciple Making Forum, and we are pleased that he will be joining us again this year for the 2019 National Disciple Making Forum November 7-8 in Nashville, Tennessee.
To better get to know Shodankeh and his ministry as a partner, I have invited him to join me with one of the groups that I will be leading—as I do each year—in Israel (June 2-11, 2019). Shodankeh will be leading the daily devotionals. During the trips I lead, we review the five phases of disciple making from the life of Jesus, and we’ll be doing that this year as well.
We have a limited number of openings on this short-notice trip and a short period to close registrations (deposits are due by February 28th), so I am opening up the opportunity for other discipleship-first leaders to join us. If you have interest click here for more information.
More Information on Israel Trip
Praying and Fasting for Revival
At last year’s Forum, Shodankeh spoke about the importance of prayer and fasting with Dave Clayton and Mandisa,
I am writing this newsletter in between meetings with Shodankeh and Dave Clayton, and we are marveling at what has happened since that time (just four months ago). So many churches and leaders are moving back to a focus on the important of this discipline.
Dave Clayton called the churches in the Greater Nashville Area to a 30-day period of fasting and prayer. Over 400 churches and 40,000 followers of Jesus committed to some version of fasting and prayer for 30 days. It is incredible to see how this is such an important foundation for a disciple-making movement.
Dave wrote a short book called Revival Starts Here: A Short Conversation on Prayer, Fasting, and Revival for Beginners Like Me. You and your church can go through this resource too.
You can watch this short video to learn more about it:
For King Jesus,
Executive Director, Discipleship.org
Sign up for the 2019 National Disciple Making Forum in Nashville, November 7-8 by clicking here.
New Blogs
“Family Discipleship Activities for “Selfless Living””
by D6 Family
“The Awkward Coffee — Discipleship for Womenr”
by Joanne Kraft
“How Do You Define a Church and a Disciple Making Church?”
by Bobby Harrington
New Podcast Episodes
S6 Episode 5: Creating Discipleship Moments Where Kids Learn, Love and Play (Dave Buehring and Rachel Bradley)
S6 Episode 4: Are You Discipling in Your Vocations? – A Panel Discussion (Dave Buehring, Loren Johnson, Christine Johnson, and Sweet Tea Trio)
S6 Episode 3: How to Let the Holy Spirit Guide Your Discipling Relationships (Kent Chevalier)
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