Intro: The Origins of
This episode is an introduction to what is all about. The founder, Bobby Harrington, shares his own story about being a disciple, how the organization started, and his heart for the national gathering this fall in Nashville, Tennessee, the first of its kind.
Bobby Harrington: “ started, actually, as something I wouldn’t have chosen for myself. I really care about disciple making and discipleship. It took me until my late forties to realize that I think all my life Jesus has been calling me to a focus on discipleship and disciple making…
Listen to the full story here: Intro: The Origins of
[cleanaudioplayer theme=’dark’ playlist=”{title: ‘Intro: The Origins of’, artist: ‘’, mp3: ‘’}”]
Relevant Links:
- Bobby’s Blog
- Book List
- Book: Discipleship That Fits: The Five Kinds of Relationships God Uses to Help Us Grow
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