Introverts, Disciple Making, & Freedom from Fear
Spiritual maturity is revealed more by our relating than by our knowing or by our going.
That’s an uncommon belief. Churches throughout the world pursue maturity through teaching and preaching that’s aimed at the head and feet, not the deepest parts of a person’s heart.
For me the result was a faith that understood what to do and why, but left me clueless about how to overcome my fears and social anxiety. Those who have invested in my life have helped me realize that there’s a difference between social anxiety (shyness) and introversion. Yet, if left unchecked both have the power to neuter a person’s disciple making efforts.
The struggle is more common than you might think. At least half of the pastors and church leaders I work with are actively trying to overcome relational deficiencies in order to become effective disciple makers. Not long ago, I shared with you “3 Keys to Help Introverts Become Excellent Disciple Makers.”
Justin Gravitt, author of this blog, is with Navigator Church Ministries. They have made available to you, The Start Small Grow Slow Strategy, which you can download for free here.
Today, I’m offering you a resource that dives even deeper into this topic.
At last years National Disciple Making Forum, I led a workshop on this topic. It was very well received and I wanted to pass it on to you. The title and description are below.
One last thing. I’ll be leading a new workshop at this year’s National Disciple Making Forum. If you’re interested in growing as a disciple maker or in helping your church move in that direction, would you consider joining me?
Get Real & Go Deep by Freeing People Instead of Sidelining Them
Disciple making is for everyone, not just for “people people.” So how do you develop those who are hindered by social anxiety, personality make-up, or just plain awkwardness? Everyone can become a relational disciple maker. Journey with us as we cover how to relationally help those who struggle interpersonally.
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