Special Episode: Interview with Robert Coleman
In this special episode on The Disciple Maker’s Podcast, we interview Robert Coleman. Listen to this episode and you’ll Learn how Dr. Coleman began making disciples early in his life.
He tells stories about what God’s doing even today through those whom he’s discipled. He highlights the importance of having a relationship for making disciples, and shares specific examples of how he discipled his students, those he met in various contexts, and even his kids. Be encouraged by Coleman’s focus on the sovereignty of God in discipleship and hear in his voice why Robert Coleman still gets excited about the principles of the Master Plan—and he’s now well into his 80s!
Also, you can download a free eBook called Revisiting the Master Plan of Evangelism here.
Special offer on a special episode: We want you to know about an excellent online course by Dr. Coleman that’s offered through Discipleship.org. As podcast listeners, you get a special offer for the Robert Coleman Master Plan course! It’s an 11-unit course that comes with a free eBook called “Revisiting The Master Plan of Evangelism”.
Listen to get the special discount code. Check out the “Master Plan” online course here: http://courses.discipleship.org/product/the-master-plan/
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