Free Forum Recordings Now On the Disciple Maker’s Podcast
Dear Discipleship-First Friends,
As someone who cares about making disciples we want to make sure you are aware of our podcast. Over 660,000 episodes have been downloaded over the last few years and it is growing faster than ever! “The Disciple Maker’s Podcast” is a place to hear from expert disciple makers from all over the world. The podcast will help you learn new skills, sharpen existing skills and be encouraged about what God is doing all over the world! If you haven’t already subscribed to the podcast, now is the time!
Bonhoeffer Project
Disciples Made
Faith International University
Final Command
Freedom in Christ Ministries
Global Discipleship Initiative
Great Commandment Network
Navigators Church Ministries
Navigators Church Ministries – Latino
Radical Mentoring
Relational Discipleship Network Women
Small Circle
TCM International Institute
These tracks and classes are exceptionally strong content and putting them on the Disciple Maker’s Podcast allows them to bless and equip people for many years to come!
For King Jesus,
Bobby Harrington, Matt Dabbs and The Team
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